Akupuntur, Pengobatan Tradisional Untuk Sakit Punggung

Acupuncture, Traditional Medicine for Back Pain

November 12, 2021

The number of activities every day is certainly very good if accompanied by a balanced healthy
lifestyle. Frequent activity causes fatigue and pain in the shoulders and back. Some people tend to
feel stiffness on their back and also feel pain due to day-to-day work activities.

One of the traditional treatment techniques to relieve back pain is through acupuncture.
Acupuncture techniques can be an alternative treatment that can succeed if you are not afraid of
needles and do not like to take drugs for back pain. Acupuncture will treat your joints that may be
stiff or swollen, and relax your neck and back so that you no longer feel pain.

There are several points to overcome pain on your back and shoulders through acupuncture. These
points are spread on the legs, back, and hands. And each point is connected to another point in the
body. For example, the point on the foot is connected to the parathyroid gland. Of course,
acupuncture must be treated with the help of people who are experts in their fields. And this needs
to be noted, acupuncture can indeed cure back pain, but not as fast as drug consumption.


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